Free wasps removal

We need to capture wasp colonies. From the latter we extract the venom that is then used in the production of vaccines for people allergic to the sting of these insects.

Attention. Service reserved for the Tuscany region only.
We are sorry, the interventions for the free removal of wasp nests, are reserved for the Tuscany region only.

Contact us now for wasp removal FREE wasp removal

Call now
+39 3277505969
to book the service

Please note.
Service reserved for the Tuscany region only.

Cattura calabroni (Vespa crabro)

European hornets capture (Vespa crabro)

Cattura vespe terragnole (Vespula spp.)

Common wasps capture (Vespula spp.)

Cattura vespe cartonaie (Polistes dominula)

Paper wasps capture (Polistes dominula)

Contact us now for FREE wasp removal

Call now
+39 3277505969
to book the service

Please note.
Service reserved for the Tuscany region only.

Cattura calabroni (Vespa crabro)

European hornets capture (Vespa crabro)

Cattura vespe terragnole (Vespula spp.)

Common wasps capture (Vespula spp.)

Cattura vespe cartonaie (Polistes dominula)

Paper wasps capture (Polistes dominula)

Identifies the species of wasp with the help of our pages, if it falls among the listed below, the removal is free!

To guarantee the quality of venom extract and respect for humans, animals and environment, no insecticides of any kind are used during the removal and the specimens are collected live.

Entomon staff performs work in compliance with safety regulations in the workplace. (D.Lgs 81/2008)

Identifies the pest wasp


Some of our interventions