Instrumental insemination of queen bees

Entomon participated in the "Ligustica Project", a research promoted and funded by the Tuscany Region for the beekeeping associations of Tuscany which has as its objectives the selection of a Tuscan ecotype of bee with resistance to pests and docility. Entomon's role in the project was to practice artificial insemination of queen bees destined to [...]

By |2017-06-06T15:34:24+01:00June 5th, 2017||Comments Off on Instrumental insemination of queen bees

Identification of specimens

Entomon can provide the certified determination of specimens of insects for legal or administrative practices. Preventive agreements are needed with respect to the state of preservation of the material and the time required identification.

By |2017-06-06T15:33:06+01:00June 4th, 2017||Comments Off on Identification of specimens

Collectibles and didactics on insects

Entomon is able to provide insects for collectors, video footage and more, to manage their use for special needs, to organize seminars and lectures held by specialists on particular issues of entomological interest.

By |2017-06-06T15:32:28+01:00June 4th, 2017||Comments Off on Collectibles and didactics on insects
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